Little Leona (F4 VBN) loves being in the spotlight. She’s the first to greet me and the last to leave me when the rest of the flock wanders in search of greener pasture. She basks in the spotlight of affection and attention and I’m always happy to oblige. Not only does Leona love the spotlight — as this photo shows, the spotlight seems to love her too as the gentle rays of a setting sun spill over her mop-top and wash her fleece in a golden glow.
I don’t know about you, but I tend to shy away from the spotlight. I didn’t always. I was born and raised a Jersey girl — no shrinking violet by any means. But no matter where you're from, as kids, you and I instinctively understood that we were made to stand out. We weren’t born with inhibitions or insecurities. We didn’t understand the concept (or fear) of making fools of or shaming ourselves. We “laughed while the laughing was easy and cried if it made it worthwhile” (cue Seals & Crofts) because we were immersed in the moment and living our best little lives out loud.
But then, somewhere along the way, many of us quieted down. We dimmed our enthusiasm and gravitated toward the shadows. We censored or moderated ourselves and gradually went underground with our awesomeness. Aw shucks, we learned to say, I’m nobody special. But I am special. And so are you. “Well, if everyone is special, no one is special” — so the logic goes. But that’s a worldly point of view that defies everything that God says about us. For example:
You are made in God’s image (Genesis 1:27) — you're a unique expression and reflection of God’s radiant glory, created with a unique soul and purpose in mind.
God formed your inmost being; he knit you together in your mother’s womb. (Psalm 139:19). Are any two pieces of handiwork alike? You're truly one of a kind.
The very hairs of your head are all numbered. (Matthew 10:30). The level of detail that God knows and loves about you, specifically, is beyond human comprehension.
He has plans for you, to prosper you, to give you hope and a future! (Jer. 29:11). How well thought out and conceived you are, with each day unfolding according to God’s plan for you as recorded in the Book of Life since the beginning of time.
God has given (each of) you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. (Peter 4:10-11). Your talents, abilities, and charism were specifically chosen for you to employ for the glory of God and to spread the Gospel message as far and wide as your reach allows.
You were purchased at a price. (1 Cor. 6:20). You were not, are not, and could never be the proverbial “dime-a-dozen.” Christ died on the Cross to redeem YOU, so that you, personally, by name, could be reconciled to the Father and have eternal life.
Scripture is brimming with such powerful assurances that each one of us is fearfully and wonderfully made. When we stand in the light of God’s grace, when we boldly allow other to see us for who — and Whose — we really are, we testify to the truth, beauty and goodness of the God who created us. So give yourself permission to be unapologetically you with all your giftedness and splendor, to step out of the shadows and into the spotlight of Christ’s redeeming love. We can’t possibly generate our own “holy glow” but God promises that “those who look to him will be radiant.” (Ps. 34:5) How awesome is that … how awesome is our God!
Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. (Is. 60:1)
