The 2024 spring lambs got their first taste of spring grass this week after being on a dry lot since birth. We like to give them a little time to settle, bond, and start on creep feed and hay before turning them loose on broad, rich, green pasture. I don’t know of anyone who can keep from grinning at the sight of them zooming, pronking, and swarming like a bunch of four year olds chasing a soccer ball. Scientifically, it's more accurate to say that Zoomies are manifestations of “Frenetic Random Activity Periods (FRAP)” — a phenomenon whereby animals experience sudden and seemingly manic bursts of motion. Sometimes it’s an expression of pent-up energy; other times, it’s an expression of happiness and excitement. For our lambs, I think it’s a little of both. And for humans…well…
I think sometimes we humans just can’t help moving at a frenetic pace. Driven by calendars, appointments, to-do lists, deadlines, and all the other stuff of daily life (barn chores, anyone?), we turbo through our days as if there’s no tomorrow. Somehow, our own frenetic activity doesn’t make us grin like watching the sheep cavorting in the pasture does. We grit our teeth and bear down like we’re giving birth, powering through at a frenzied pace as we zoom from task-to-task and try to beat the clock. One more pasture that must be mowed before it rains. One more email before the laptop runs out of juice. One more errand shoehorned into an already maxed-out schedule. If we don't get it done, who will? In the vernacular of farming, we call this shoveling ten pounds of manure into a five pound bag. Can you dig it? 💩
I know sometimes we don’t have the luxury of slowing down. Life seems to throw one imperative after another. But after awhile, at least according to the science, we get hyperexcited by all the stimuli, even gratified by it in some strange way, and barrel into a full-blown, chronic case of the Zoomies. Blame it on the dopamine and other endorphins that flood our weary bodies and tell us we mustn’t. stop. moving.
So, that’s what our bodies say. But our souls are governed by something other than neurotransmitters. Something — Someone — far more powerful. If we could only stop long enough to listen, we might actually hear His tender refrain whispering in our ear.
Be still and know that I am God. ~ Ps. 46:10
"Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." ~ Matthew 11:28
“Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest." Mark 6:31
Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for him. ~ Ps. 37:7
My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest. ~ Ex. 33:14
For I will satisfy the weary soul, and every languishing soul I will replenish.” ~Jer. 31:25
Thus says the Lord: “Stand by the roads and look, and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is; and walk in it and find rest for your souls.” Jer. 6:16
(And my personal favorite:)
Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchman stays awake in vain. It is in vain that you rise up early and go late to rest, eating the bread of anxious toil; for he gives rest to his beloved ones. ~ Ps. 127:2
I don't know about you, but I often have to remind myself that unless the Lord builds the house, the farm, the family, the business, the flock (or fill in the blank), I labor in vain.
It's good and holy to take time to rest, to lay down our Zoomies, to be still and know…to be still and let God be God. He's a better project manager than any one of us could ever hope to be. Sure, the Lord helps those who help themselves and work is a part of our dignity as humans beings. But perhaps instead of moving at the speed of light, we should be moving at the speed of God. Prudently, patiently, and wisely.
Spring is in full bloom. Linger in the pasture, tarry in a garden, refresh your soul in the sanctuary of your church on a random Tuesday. Rest in the hug of a loved one, in the embrace of nature, in the arms of a loving God who created us to soar … not zoom.
Let’s do our best to leave the Zoomies to the lambs — and allow ourselves to recline in peaceful pastures and be led to still waters by the Good Shepherd, who in his goodness and mercy promises there is nothing we shall lack. 🌻
The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
He makes me lie down in green pastures.
He leads me beside still waters.
He restores my soul.
~Ps. 23: 1-3