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Cups & Wagons

As you can see, Josie’s l'il red hay wagon runneth over. She’s delighted to have “a seat at the table,” to enjoy the lavish feast set before her that was prepared by hands that love her: the farmers' hands that tend the earth and bring forth food, the shepherdess’ hands that choose what will nourish her best, and most of all, the hands of a loving, almighty God who makes every blade of that grass—and all of creation—possible.

As we take our seat at the table this Thanksgiving, let’s give special thanks and praise to the farmers who labored in the fields, to the cooks who prepared the feast, and to the Lord who fills our cups to overflowing. Perhaps your cup seems bittersweet, missing someone who should be at the table. Perhaps your cup is chipped, a reminder of that nothing and no one (including you and me) is perfect in this life. Perhaps your cup brims with the simple joys of hearth, home, and family. In all circumstances, give thanks, for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus. (1 Thessalonians 5:18)

Let peace control your heart, trusting that it's the hand of the Good Shepherd who pours your cup, according to his divine wisdom and plan for you and your soul. His favor is upon you. His favor has never left you. You have everything you need right here, right now, to be happy, for the contents of the cup King David sang about (in the presence of his enemies!) isn't necessarily the choicest wine; it's Christ’s love and mercy, poured out on the cross for you and for me. Unchanging. Inexhaustible. Overflowing.

The Lord is my shepherd;

there is nothing I lack.

You set a table before me

in front of my enemies;

You anoint my head with oil;

my cup overflows.

~Ps. 23: 1,5

As we raise our cups to our lips this Thanksgiving, be it with shaky hands, sorrowful hands, or with rousing good cheer, let us have faith that our thirst and our needs can never exceed God’s generosity and supply. With the heart of a suffering servant, the Lord himself has prepared the table for us, anointed us with his blessings, and provided a cup that runneth over with radical, redeeming love.

May we, in turn, overflow with thanks and praise.

Happy Thanksgiving from our farm to your table, in Christ’s abundant love!

And let the peace of Christ control your hearts,

the peace into which you were also called in one body.

And be thankful.

~Col. 3:15


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